शनिवार, 6 फ़रवरी 2010

Dance, when you're broken open

Dance, when you're broken open.
Dance, if you've torn the bandage off.
Dance in the middle of fighting.
Dance in your blood.
Dance, when you're perfectly free.

I have lived on the lip
of insanity, wanting to know reasons,
knocking on a door.  It opens.
I've been knocking from the inside!

Something opens our wings.  Something
makes boredom and hurt disappear.
Someone fills the cup in front of us.
We taste only sacredness.

No better love than love with no object,
no more satisfying work than work with no purpose.
If you could give up tricks and cleverness,
that would be the cleverest trick!

Some nights stay up till dawn,
as the moon sometimes does for the sun.
Be a full bucket pulled up the dark way
of a well, then lifted out into light.

~ Rumi