बुधवार, 31 दिसंबर 2008

The World Ends With You OST - De Javu Music Video and Lyrics

The World Ends With You OST - De Javu Music Video and Lyrics
The World Ends With You OST - De Javu

Where did we meet before just like this
I know your smile
Your voice just like that
You talk to me and I smile right back
I don't believe in fantasy

Same dress that now reminds me
Something I can't forget
Same song same tone in your voice
Tell me this isn't a dream

Take me forward, stars are still asleep
You and me, we live forevermore
I would follow you my destiny
Won't you get my favorite photograph

I'm getting played by you
Deja vu

Where did we meet before just like this
I know your smile
Your voice just like that
You talk to me and I smile right back
I don't believe in fantasy

Same dress that now reminds me
Something I can't forget
Same song same tone in your voice
Tell me this isn't a dream

Take me forward, stars are still asleep
You and me, we live forevermore
I would follow you my destiny
Won't you get my favorite photograph

I'm getting played by you
Deja vu
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