सोमवार, 8 फ़रवरी 2010

the direct path for all

Find out who is subject to free will or predestination and abide in that state.  Then both are transcended.  That is the only purpose in discussing these questions.  To whom do such questions present themselves?   Discover that and be at peace.
Your true nature is that of infinite spirit.  The feeling of limitation is the work of the mind.  When the mind unceasingly investigates its own nature,  it transpires that there is no such thing as mind.  This is the direct path for all.
Your speak as if you are here,  and the Self is somewhere else and you had to go and reach it ... But in fact the Self is here and now,  and you are always It.
The realized person weeps with the weeping, laughs with the laughing, plays with the playful, sings with those who sing, keeping time to the song.   His presence is like a pure,  transparent mirror.  It reflects our image exactly as we are.  It is we who play the several parts in life and reap the fruits of our actions.  How is the mirror or the stand on which it is mounted affected?  Nothing affects them,  as they are mere supports.
~ Ramana Maharshi