गुरुवार, 23 दिसंबर 2010

The hunger of the hungry and the fullness of the full

If the soul was born with pinions
What are hovels to it, what are mansions?
What's Genghis Khan to it and what his Horde?
I have two enemies in all the world,
Two twins, inseparably fused:
The hunger of the hungry and the fullness of the full.
Marina Tsvetaeva, (1892-1941)
translation by David McDuff
(Born in Moscow, she married Sergey Efron who fought with the White Guard.  One of her two children died of malnutrition in 1920.  They lived in exile in Prague and Paris.  Even though Sergey was secretly a soviet informer during their exile, he was executed by the secret police on their return to the Soviet Union.  Tsvetaeva hanged herself in 1941.)