मंगलवार, 15 मार्च 2011

let go



Let go 
this 'everywhere' and this 'everything' in exchange for this 
'nowhere' and this 'nothing.' 
Never mind if you cannot fathom this nothing,
for I love it surely so much better. 
It is so worthwhile in 
itself that no thinking about it will do it justice. 
One can feel this nothing more easily than see it, 
for it is completely dark and hidden to 
those who have only just begun to look at it. 
Yet to speak more 
accurately, it is overwhelming spiritual light that blinds the soul that is experiencing it, 
rather than actual darkness or the absence of physical light. 
Who is it then, who is it then, who is calling it 'nothing'? 
Our outer self, to be sure, not our inner. 
Our inner self calls it 'All', 
for through it he is learning the secret of all things, 
physical and spiritual alike, 
without having to consider every single one separately 
on it's own.

~ The Cloud of Unknowing
with thanks to Bill Lindley

