गुरुवार, 6 मार्च 2014

Dil Bada To Tu Bada Lyrics Translation | Rajnigandha Advertisement

Music: Hanif Shaikh
Advertisement: Rajnigandha Silver Pearls
Creative agency: Dentsu Marcom
Featuring: Priyanka Chopra

heere moti se kab tulti hain khushiyaan
shohrat tu dil ki kamaa

Happiness can't be weighed in diamonds and pearls,
earn the fame of heart..

[as in, you should live in people's hearts.]

baazaar mein kab bikti hain khushiyaan
shohrat tu dil ki kamaa

When is happiness sold in the market, [it's not],
earn the fame of heart..

dil bada to tu bada..

If the heart is big, you're big.

[means you become something big only when you are compassionate and generous.]

achchhai ki ek alag chamak hoti hai..
There is a different shine in goodness.